Apply to Work with Me Start Your Journey Toward ClarityApplication Form Name Email Address How has your month been? What’s been keeping you up at night? What is your biggest challenge currently? How does this show up in your life? How would your life change without this? Have you ever been in therapy? Can you invest in yourself for this service? Can you invest in yourself for this service?YesNo What have you tried for help? Are you ready to receive help? Are you ready to receive help?YesNo What are you interested in? What are you interested in?Exclusive 1:1 Program8-Week Group Stabilisation ProgramI don't know yet, I need a Consultation Can we chat for 90 mins to see if we're a fit? Subscribe to my Email List Subscribe to my Email List I agree to receive email updates, including insights, tips, and occasional offers. You can unsubscribe at any time. Consent Consent I agree that the information entered in this contact form can be used to process my requests. 9 + 1 = Submit